Toxic Exposures and  Parkinsons  & the Mercury and Toxic Metals Connection

      Bernard Windham (Ed.)- Chemical Engineer/Biostatistician


I.                Introduction. 

There has been a huge increase in the incidence of degenerative neurological conditions in virtually all Western countries over the last 2 decades (574,580,598). Neurodegenerative Conditions are increasing due to increased inflammation from vaccinations and excitotoxicity (12b). Much of the damage occurs during brain development which occurs in pregnancy or the first 2 years after birth. Increased glutamate outside neuron cells is a factor in such, triggering excitotoxicity and death of neuron cells. Inflammation from toxic exposures such as toxic metals and pesticides is also a common cause of such damage.


Parkinsons   is caused by depletion of dopamine-producing cells in substantia region of brain; (major factors (52,40,33): oxidative stress, inflammation, dysfunctional mitochondria,    susceptibility    factors such as blood allele types, deficiencies,    synergisms    of multiple toxic exposures,    mutation    of neuroprotective genes such as SOD1 and MTHFR, DJ-1); Inflammation caused by vaccines or other sources can trigger microglial priming which causes microglia and macrophages to secrete high levels of inflammatory cytokines which damage neurons(12b). Riboflavin or Thiamin deficiency can be a factor in neurodegeneration & is beneficial(12b): (R5P& B1);  [pesticides and  mercury /metals and toxic bacteria from root canaled teeth or jawbone   cavitations    all cause oxidative stress, inflammation and mitochondrial insufficiency (33,35,56e,108,272,333,573,7) seen in  Parkinsons ,


There has been a huge increase in the incidence of degenerative neurological conditions in virtually all Western countries over the last 2 decades (574,303). The increase in  Parkinsons  and other motor neuron disease has been over 50%.   The primary causes appear to be increased exposures to toxic pollutants such as  toxic metals pesticides, herbicides POPs PAHS etc.  resulting in oxidative damage, brain  inflammation   , and mitochondrial damage of free-radicals (27,33,40,52,99,108,272,333,574,580,598).      Most chronic degenerative conditions such as ALS,  ALz , MS, Parkinson’s, CFS, and Cancer have been found to have a combination of immune-system weakening factors often including  (chronic infection from parasites, dental jawbone  infections ( root-canaled teeth or cavitations), other infections); toxic metals; other toxins  (11,33,52). Such conditions usually improve with proper treatment (11,33,52)], however as pointed out by Dr. Yu and other knowledgeable doctors referenced here (11), most doctors and dentists in the U.S. are not properly trained to know what to test for or how to do such tests and have responsibility for some of the huge harm caused these patients. Lyme disease is another factor commonly found to be a factor in chronic degenerative diseases such as MS, Parkinson�s , ALS, etc. (11) L-Carnitine (137a) was protective of damage by low oxygen and impaired blood flow, as well as reducing Autism & ADHD.



II.        Mercury and toxic metal exposure data

Heavy metal poisoning is extremely common causing oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, and reactive oxidative species which commonly leads to a variety of  autoimmune diseases   and  neurological conditions   including Parkinson�s (8).  Dental amalgam fillings are the largest source of mercury in most people with daily exposures documented to commonly be above government health guidelines (33,49,79,183,199,506,600,217). This is due to continuous vaporization of mercury from amalgam in the mouth, along with    galvanic currents    from mixed metals in the mouth that deposit the mercury in the gums and oral cavity (605,580).  Due to the high daily mercury exposure and excretion into home and business sewers of those with amalgam, dental amalgam is also the largest source of the high levels of mercury found in all    sewers and sewer sludge   , and thus according to government studies a significant source of mercury in rivers, lakes, bays, fish, and crops(603).   People also get significant exposure from vaccinations, fish, and dental office vapor (33,600).

When amalgam was placed into teeth of monkeys and rats, within one- year mercury was found to have accumulated in the brain, trigeminal ganglia, spinal ganglia, kidneys, liver, lungs, hormone glands, and lymph glands (20).  People also commonly get exposures to mercury and other toxic metals such as lead, arsenic, nickel, and aluminum from food, water, and other  sources ( 601,303,592).  All of these are highly neurotoxic and are documented to cause neurological damage which can result in chronic neurological conditions over time, as well as ADHD, mood, and behavioral disorders (580,598,601,602,303).  A study found that those with occupational exposure to lead, arsenic, or copper have more than double the incidence of  Parkinsons  than normal (560). 


III.                Toxicity Effects of Mercury and Toxic Metals and other Toxics

  Mercury is one of the most toxic substances in existence and is known to bioaccumulate in the body of people and animals that have chronic exposure (600).  Mercury exposure is cumulative and comes primarily from 4 main sources: silver(mercury) dental fillings, food (mainly fish), vaccinations, and occupational exposure. Whereas mercury exposure from fish is primarily methyl mercury and mercury from vaccinations is thimerosal (ethyl mercury), mercury from occupational exposure and dental fillings is primarily from elemental mercury vapor. Developmental and neurological conditions occur at lower levels of exposure from mercury vapor than from inorganic mercury or methyl mercury (606).  Mercury in amalgam fillings,  because of its high vapor pressure and galvanic action with other metals in the mouth, has been found to be continuously vaporized and  released into the body, and has been found to be  the directly correlated to the  number of amalgam surfaces and the largest source of mercury in the majority of people (49,183,199,209,79,99,600), typically between 60 and 90% of the total.    The level of daily exposure of those with several amalgam fillings commonly exceeds the U.S. EPA health guideline for daily mercury exposure of 0.1 ug/kg body weight/day, and the oral mercury level commonly exceeds the mercury MRL of the U.S. ATSDR of 0.2 ug/ cubic meter of air (217,600).   When amalgam fillings are replaced, levels of mercury in the blood, urine, saliva, and feces typically rise temporarily but decline between 60 to 90% within 6 to 9 months (79,600.).

The main factors determining whether chronic conditions are induced by metals appear to be exposure and genetic    susceptibility   , which determines individuals immune sensitivity and ability to detoxify metals(32,405).  Very low levels of exposure have been found to seriously affect relatively large groups of individuals who are immune sensitive to toxic  metals, or  have an inability to detoxify metals   due to such as deficient  sulfoxidation  or metallothionein function or other inhibited enzymatic processes related to detoxification or excretion of metals.

IV. Mechanisms by which mercury causes neurological conditions found in  Parkinsons  and neurodegenerative diseases.  

Programmed cell death(apoptosis) is documented to be a major factor in degenerative neurological conditions like ALS,  Alzheimers  , MS,  Parkinsons  , etc.  Some of the factors documented to be involved in apoptosis of neurons and immune cells include inducement of the inflammatory cytokine Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha(  TNFa  ) (126), reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress(13,43a,56a,296b,495), reduced glutathione levels(56,126a,111a), liver enzyme effects and inhibition of protein kinase C and cytochrome P450(43,84,260), nitric oxide and  peroxynitrite  toxicity (43a,521,524), excitotoxicity and lipid peroxidation(496), excess free cysteine levels (56d,111a,30,330),excess glutamate toxicity(13b, 416), excess dopamine toxicity (56d,13a), beta-amyloid generation(462), increased calcium influx toxicity (296b,333,416,432,462c,507) and DNA fragmentation (296,42,114,142) and mitochondrial membrane dysfunction (56de, 416).   Individuals with low glutathione levels were linked with decreased physical performance, increased oxidative stress and impaired redox metabolism of erythrocytes. Excitotoxicity has been shown to be a significant factor in Parkinson�s & other degenerative neurological conditions. (11ab) NAC supplementation restored both performance and redox homeostasis (6 )   .

 Mitochondrial DNA mutations or dysfunction is fairly common , found in at least 1 in every 200 people (275), and toxicity effects affect this population more than those with less susceptibility to mitochondrial dysfunction. This has been found to be a factor in conditions like  Parkinsons  .   The mechanisms by which mercury  causes( often  synergistically    along with other toxic exposures) all of these conditions and neuronal apoptosis will be documented.  

TNFa   (   tumor necrosis factor-alpha) is a cytokine that controls a wide range of immune cell response in mammals, including cell death(apoptosis) in neuronal and immune cells.   This process is involved in inflammatory and degenerative neurological conditions like ALS, MS,  Parkinsons  , rheumatoid arthritis, etc.  Cell signaling mechanisms like sphingolipids are part of the control  mechansim  for the  TNFa  apoptosis mechanism(126a).   Gluthathione  is an amino acid that is  a   normal  cellular mechanism for controlling apoptosis.  When glutathione is depleted in the brain, reactive oxidative species increased, and CNS and cell signaling  mechinsisms  are disrupted by toxic exposures such as mercury, neuronal cell apoptosis results and neurological damage.    Mercury has been shown to induce  TNFa  and deplete glutathione, causing  inflamatory  effects and cellular apoptosis in neuronal and immune cells  (126b,126c). 

          Mercurys  biochemical damage at the cellular level include DNA damage, inhibition of DNA and RNA synthesis (42,114,142,197,296,392);  alteration of protein structure (30,111,114,194,252,442);  alteration of the transport of calcium(333,43b,254,263,416,462,507);  inhibitation  of glucose transport(338,254), and of enzyme function, protein transport, and other essential nutrient transport (96,198,254,263,264,33,330,331,338,339,347, 441,442);  induction of free radical formation(13a,43b,54,405,424), depletion of cellular  gluthathione  (necessary for detoxification processes) (111,126,424,32), inhibition of glutathione peroxidase enzyme(13a,442), inhibits glutamate uptake(119,416), induces  peroxynitrite  and lipid peroxidation damage(521b,119b), causes abnormal migration of neurons in the cerebral cortex(149),   immune system damage (34,111,194, 226,252,272,316,325,355); and inducement of inflammatory cytokines (126,181).


Oxidative stress and reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been implicated as major factors in neurological disorders including stroke,  Parkinson�s  Disease (PD),  Alzheimer� s  , ALS,  etc.( 13,424,442.303). Mercury induced lipid peroxidation has been found to be a major factor in mercury�s neurotoxicity, along with leading to decreased levels of glutathione peroxidation and superoxide  dismustase  (SOD) (13,441,443).  Only a few micrograms of mercury severely disturb cellular function and inhibit nerve growth (147,149,226,255, 305,442).   Exposure to mercury results in metalloprotein compounds that have genetic effects, having both structural and catalytic effects on gene expression (114,241,296,442). Mercury inhibits sulfur ligands in MT and in the case of intestinal cell membranes inactivates MT that normally bind cuprous ions (477,114), thus allowing buildup of copper to toxic levels in many and malfunction of the Zn/Cu SOD function (495,13a, 443).      Mercury also causes displacement of zinc in MT and SOD, which has been shown to be a factor in neurotoxicity and neuronal diseases (405,495,517). Some of the processes affected by such metalloprotein control of genes include cellular respiration, metabolism, enzymatic processes, metal-specific homeostasis, and adrenal stress response systems.  Significant physiological changes occur when metal ion concentrations exceed threshold levels.  Such metalloprotein formation also appears to have a relation to autoimmune reactions in significant numbers of people (114,60,313,342,368,369,405, 442). Increased formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) has also been found to increase formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) that have been found to cause activation of glial cells to produce superoxide and nitric oxide, they can be considered part of a vicious cycle, which finally leads to neuronal cell death in the substantia nigra in  PD( 424). 

         Mercury exposure causes high levels of oxidative stress/reactive oxygen species (ROS) (13), which has been found to be a major factor in apoptosis and neurological disease (56,250,441,442,443,13) including dopamine or glutamate related apoptosis(288c).  Mercury and quinones form conjugates with thiol compounds such as glutathione and cysteine and cause depletion of glutathione, which is necessary to mitigate reactive damage.  Such  congugates  are found to be highest in the brain substantia nigra with similar  congugates  formed with L-Dopa and dopamine in  Parkinsons   disease (56).  Mercury depletion of GSH and damage to cellular  mitochrondria  and the increased lipid peroxidation in protein and DNA oxidation in the brain appear to be a major factor in  Parkinsons  disease (30,56,442). Exposure to mercury vapor and methyl mercury is well documented to commonly cause conditions involving tremor and/or ataxia, with populations exposed to mercury experiencing tremor on average proportional to exposure level (250,565,98). Mercury causes the kinds of tremor seen in PD and MS.   �Based on the similar intention tremor in multiple sclerosis and mercury intoxication, human pathology studies in multiple sclerosis, and animal experiments with mercury, it appears that axonal demyelination underlay this form of tremor in both conditions, the former restricted to the CNS and the second to peripheral nerves (565). Occupational and chronic exposure to solvents and metals is considered a possible risk factor for  Parkinson� s   disease  and essential tremor. While manufacturing dental prostheses, dental technicians are exposed to numerous chemicals that contain toxins known to affect the central nervous system, such as n-hexane and mercury (9). we invited 27 dental technicians in an office to undergo a neurological examination. Of the 14 subjects who underwent the neurological examination, four had postural tremor and one had a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease.

One study found higher than average levels of mercury in the blood, urine, and hair of  Parkinsonsdisease  patients (363).  Another study (169) found blood and urine mercury levels to be very strongly related to  Parkinsons  with odds ratios of approx. 20 at high levels of Hg exposure.  Other studies (145) that reviewed occupational exposure data found that occupational exposure to manganese and copper have high odds rations for relation to PD, as well as multiple exposures to these and lead, but one study noted that this effect was only seen for exposure of over 20 years. Occupational exposure to mercury has been found to cause   Parkinsons  (98). One study found the EDTA chelation was effective in reducing some of the effects (145b).

Glutamate is the most abundant amino acid in the body and in the CNS acts as  excitory   neurotransmitter (346,386), which also causes inflow of calcium.   Astrocytes, a type of cell in the brain and CNS with the task of keeping clean the area around nerve cells, have a function of neutralizing excess glutamate by transforming it to glutamic acid.  If astrocytes are not able to rapidly neutralize excess glutamate, then a buildup of glutamate and calcium occurs, causing swelling and neurotoxic effects (119,333). Food flavorings such as MSG are also excitotoxic (11).  Mercury and other toxic metals inhibit astrocyte function in the brain and CNS (119), causing increased glutamate and calcium related neurotoxicity (119,333,226) which are responsible for much of the fibromyalgia symptoms.  This is also a factor in conditions such as CFS,  Parkinsons  , and ALS (346,416,11). 

Parkinson's disease involves the aggregation of alpha-synuclein to form fibrils, which are the major constituent of intracellular protein inclusions (Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites) in dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra (564). Occupational exposure to specific metals, especially manganese, copper, lead, iron, mercury, aluminum, appears to be a risk factor for Parkinson's disease based on epidemiological studies (98,145,518,564,580). Elevated levels of several of these metals have also been reported in the substantia nigra of Parkinson's disease subjects (564,580,518). 

Exposure to aluminum hydroxide in vaccines also appears to sometimes cause symptoms similar to   Parkinsons  or other neurological conditions (592).


Na( + ),K (+)-ATPase is a transmembrane protein that transports sodium and potassium ions across cell membranes during an activity cycle that uses the energy released by ATP hydrolysis.  Mercury is documented to inhibit  Na( + ),K (+)-ATPase function at very low levels of exposure(288ab). Studies have found that in  Parkinsonscases there was an elevation in plasma serum digoxin and a reduction in serum magnesium, RBC membrane  Na (+)-K+ ATPase activity  (263).   The activity of all serum free-radical scavenging enzymes, concentration of glutathione, alpha tocopherol, iron binding capacity, and ceruloplasmin decreased significantly in PD, while the concentration of serum lipid peroxidation products and nitric oxide increased . .  The inhibition of Na+-K+ ATPase can contribute to increase in intracellular calcium and decrease in magnesium, which can result in 1) defective neurotransmitter transport mechanism, 2) neuronal degeneration and apoptosis, 3) mitochondrial dysfunction, 4) defective  golgi  body function and protein processing dysfunction.  It is documented in this paper that mercury is a cause of most of these conditions seen in  Parkinsons  (13a,111,288,442,521b,43,  56,etc.  )

 Many studies of patients with major neurological or degenerative diseases have found evidence amalgam fillings may play a major role in development  of   conditions  such as such as  Alzheimers  (66,67,158,166,204, 207,221,242,244,257,295,300), ALS(92,97,325,442), MS(102,163,170,184,212,213,285,291,302,324,326),   Parkinsons(98,145,169,248,250,256,258, 363,405,56,84), etc.  Mercury exposure causes high levels of oxidative stress/reactive oxygen  species ( ROS)(13), which has been found to be a major factor in neurological disease(56).  Mercury and quinones form conjugates with thiol compounds such as glutathione and cysteine and cause depletion of glutathione, which is necessary to mitigate reactive damage.  Such  congugates  are found to be highest in the brain substantia nigra with similar  congugatesformed with L-Dopa and dopamine in  Parkinsons     disease( 56,442 ).  Mercury depletion of GSH and damage to cellular  mitochrondria  and the increased lipid  perxodation  in protein and DNA oxidation in the brain appear to be a major factor in  Parkinsons   disease (30,56,442). 


       An EKM system for evaluating nerve and muscle function ability using a set of 5  measures  (  precision, imprecision, tremor,  Fitts'  constant, and irregularity) and tested on a group of Cree Indians with mercury exposure from fish eating(565).   Ninety-six participants, including 30 controls subjects, 36 Cree subjects exposed to mercury, 21 subjects with Parkinson disease, 6 with presumed cerebellar deficit, and 3 with essential tremor, participated in the study.  An ANOVA on the three largest groups generated significant results for tremor,  Fitts'constant , and irregularity between the Cree and the control subjects and on  Fitts'  constant and irregularity between the subjects with Parkinson's disease and the control subjects.  Three subgroups of the same mean age composed of six subjects each were selected. One was composed of Cree subjects with the highest level of mercury exposure, another with Cree subjects having a low level of mercury exposure, and a third with control subjects.   An ANOVA on these three groups revealed a significant difference between both groups of Cree subjects and the control group for  Fitts'  constant and irregularity. These preliminary results suggest that the EKM system is able to discriminate the performance of different groups of subjects and found significant evidence that mercury exposure is related to nerve and muscle function conditions such as tremor and   Parkinsons  ( 565). 


 Though mercury vapor and organic mercury readily cross the blood-brain barrier, mercury has been found to be taken up into neurons of the brain and CNS without having to cross the blood-brain barrier, since mercury has been found to be taken up and transported along nerve axons as well through calcium and sodium channels and along the olfactory  path( 329, 288,333,34).  Exposure to inorganic mercury has significant effects on blood parameters and liver function. Studies have found that in a dose dependent manner, mercury exposure causes reductions in oxygen consumption and availability, perfusion flow, biliary secretion, hepatic ATP  concentration,  and  cytochrome P450 liver content(260), while increasing blood hemolysis products and tissue calcium content and inducing heme oxygenase, porphyria, and platelet aggregation through interfering with the sodium pump.  

     Studies have found mercury and lead cause autoantibodies to neuronal proteins, neurofilaments, and myelin basic  protein( MBP ) (39b,269ag,405,478,515,516).  Mercury and cadmium also have been found to interfere with zinc binding to  MBP ( 517b) which affects MS symptoms since zinc stabilizes the association of MBP with brain myelin(517a).  MS has also been found to commonly be related to inflammatory activity in the CNS such as that caused by the reactive oxygen species and cytokine generation caused by mercury and other toxic metals (405,478,515,126,303,516,35c). Antioxidants like lipoic acid which counteract such free radical activity have been found to alleviate symptoms and decrease demyelination (494,572).   A group of metal exposed MS patients with amalgam fillings were found to have lower levels of red blood cells, hemoglobin,  hemocrit  , thyroxine, T-cells, and CD8+ suppresser immune cells than a group of MS patients with amalgam replaced, and more exacerbations of MS than those without(102a).  Immune and autoimmune mechanisms are thus seen to be  a   major  factor in neurotoxicity of metals.    Mercury penetrates and damages the blood brain barrier allowing penetration of the barrier by other substances that are neurotoxic (20,38,85,105,301,311/262).  Such damage to the blood brain  barrier�s  function has been found to be a major factor in chronic neurological diseases such as MS and studies have found mercury related mental effects to be indistinguishable from those of MS patients (207,212,222,244,271,286,289,291,302,324,326,183,184).  MS patients have been found to have much higher levels of mercury in cerebrospinal fluid compared to controls (163,35,139). Large German studies including studies at German universities have found that MS patients usually have high levels of mercury body burden, with one study finding 300% higher than controls (271).  Most recovered after mercury  detox ( 369,32), with some requiring additional treatment for viruses and intestinal dysbiosis.  Similarly     thousands of MS patients    have been documented to have recovered or significantly improved after amalgam replacement (35,212,228,291,302,600, etc.)


       Mercury has been found to accumulate preferentially in the primary motor function related areas such as the brain stem, cerebellum, rhombencephalon, dorsal root ganglia, and anterior horn motor neurons, which enervate the skeletal muscles (20,291,327,329,442,48). There is considerable indication this may be a factor in development of ALS and other neurodegenerative conditions (48,325,405,442). Treatment using IV glutathione, vitamin C, and minerals has been found to be very effective in the stabilizing and amelioration of some of these chronic neurological conditions by neurologists such as Perlmutter in Florida (469). 

Damage to the locus  ceruleus  , with a subsequent decrease of CNS noradrenaline, occurs in a wide range of neurodegenerative, demyelinating and psychiatric disorders (10). Recently, inorganic mercury was found to enter human locus  ceruleus  neurons selectively. Some Toxicants enter locus  ceruleus  neurons selectively, aided by the extensive exposure these neurons have to CNS capillaries, as well as by stressors that upregulate locus  ceruleus  activity. The resulting noradrenaline dysfunction could affect a wide range of CNS cells and could trigger a number of neurodegenerative conditions (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and motor neuron disease), demyelinating (multiple sclerosis), and psychiatric (major depression and bipolar disorder).

        Low levels of toxic metals have been found to inhibit  dihydroteridine  reductase, which affects the neural system function by inhibiting brain transmitters through its effect on phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan transport into neurons (122,257,258,289,372). This was found to cause severe impaired amine synthesis and hypokinesis. Tetrahydro-biopterin, which is essential in production  of   nerurotransmitters  , is significantly decreased in patients with  Alzheimers  ,  Parkinsons  , and MS. Such patients have abnormal inhibition of neurotransmitter production ( 432 )( supplements which inhibit breach of the blood brain barrier such as bioflavonoids have been found to slow such neurological damage).

          Clinical tests of patients with MND, ALS,  Parkinson� s  ,   Alzheimers  , Lupus (SLE), and rheumatoid arthritis have found that the patients generally have elevated plasma cysteine to sulphate ratios, with the average being 500% higher than controls (330,331,56), and in general being poor  sulphur  oxidizers.    Mercury has been shown to diminish and block  sulphur  oxidation and thus reducing glutathione levels which is the part of this process involved in detoxifying and excretion of toxics like mercury (30,442,32). Glutathione is produced through the  sulphuroxidation side of this process. Low levels of available glutathione have been shown to increase mercury retention and increase toxic effects (111), while high levels of free cysteine have been demonstrated to make toxicity due to inorganic mercury more severe (333,194,56).  Mercury has also been found to play a part in neuronal problems through blockage of the P-450 enzymatic process (84).  Other toxic metals and toxics such as pesticides have also been found to cause the types of damage seen in  Parkinsons  and to exposure to have positive correlation to  Parkinsons  (27,400,98,145).  Another exposure that affects some appears to be hexane (505).   There are   synergistic effects    of various toxics that result in conditions like  Parkinsons  (524b,13c).  Determination of your factors by history assessment and tests is a first step in improving the condition. 

Susceptibility is a major factor in neurological and immune system damage from toxics such as mercury (490,33,   ). Superoxide  dysmustase  (SOD) is a major and vital factor in the methylation process that produces glutathione (GSH), the body systems master protector from toxic damage, SOD1 gene is neuroprotective but the mutated form SOD1-G93A is not protective, resulting in lower glutathione levels (490). Because of this, the mutated gene form is associated with familial AD as well as being a factor in AD and other conditions by reduced glutathione availability. Mercury vapor and methyl mercury cause significant damage to SOD1-G93 cells but not SOD1 cells(490c). Resveratrol was found to counteract this damage/effect. Apolipoprotein APOE4, one of the 3 blood allele types of APOE, has been found to result in inability to detoxify cells and the body and is a major susceptibility factor in AD and other neurological conditions (113). APOE2 allele people have less susceptibility to toxic effects. APOE3 allele people have more susceptibility than for type 2. People are exposed to a large number of toxic metals and toxins.   Interactions among components of a mixture may change  toxicokinetics  and  toxicodynamics  , resulting in additive or synergistic neurological effects (18).Mercury, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, some pesticides, and metal based nanoparticles cause types of damage seen in AD and PD(18b), while lead, manganese, solvents, some pesticides cause types of damage seen in PD. Mercury, lead, arsenic, and cadmium induce Fe, Cu, and Zn  dyshomeiostatis  which can result in AD, PD, etc.(18c)

Glutathione is produced by methylation that is responsible for brain neurotransmitter production, immune function, and detoxification. DNA methylation and other epigenetic factors are important in the pathogenesis of late-onset Alzheimer's disease (LOAD). Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase  MTHFR  ) gene mutations occur in most elderly patients with memory loss (36). MTHFR is critical for production of S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAMe), the principal methyl donor. A common mutation (1364T/T) of the cystathionine-γ-lyase CTH  ) gene affects the enzyme that converts cystathionine to cysteine in the  transsulfuration  pathway causing plasma elevation of total homocysteine (  tHcy  ) or  hyperhomocysteinemia  -a strong and independent risk factor for cognitive loss, AD, and other neurological conditions. Other causes of  hyperhomocysteinemia  include aging, nutritional factors, and deficiencies of B vitamins. 

A study (477c) found    that PARK2 mutant  neuroprogenitors  showed increased cytotoxicity with copper (Cu) and cadmium (Cd) exposure. PARK2 mutant  neuroprogenitors  also showed a substantial increase in mitochondrial fragmentation, initial ROS generation, and loss of mitochondrial membrane potential following Cu exposure.

        One genetic difference found in animals and humans is cellular retention differences for metals related to the ability to excrete mercury (426).  For example, it has been found that individuals with genetic blood factor type APOE-4 do not excrete mercury readily and bioaccumulate mercury, resulting in susceptibility to chronic autoimmune conditions such as  Alzheimers  ,   Parkinsons  , etc. as early as age 40, whereas those with type APOE-2 readily excrete mercury and are less susceptible.  Those with type APOE-3 are intermediate to the other 2 types (437,35).  

  The Huggins Clinic Method & IAOMT Safe Replacement Protocol (35,3) using total dental revision (TDR) has been used to successfully treat thousands of patients with chronic autoimmune conditions like MS,  Parkinsons  , Lupus, ALS, AD, diabetes, etc., with an initial population of over 1000(approx. 85%) who experienced significant improvement in MS.   Jaw bone cavitations were found to be common significant factors in some of these conditions such as   Parkinsons  (35,33,580). 

 Huggins Total Dental Revision Protocol (35) or IAOMT Safe Removal Protocol (3) 

(a) history questionnaire and panel of tests.

(b) replace amalgam fillings starting with filling with highest negative current or highest negative quadrant, with supportive vitamin/mineral supplements.

extract all root canaled teeth using proper finish protocol.

(d) test and treat cavitations and amalgam tattoos where relevant

(e) supportive supplementation, periodic monitoring tests, evaluate need for further treatment (not usually needed).

 (f) avoid acute exposures/challenges to the immune system on a weekly 7/14/21 day pattern.


 Tests suggested by Huggins/Levy (35) for evaluation and treatment of mercury toxicity:

(a) hair element test (386) (low hair mercury level does not indicate low body  level)(  more than 3 essential minerals  out of normal range indicates likely metals toxicity)

(b) CBC blood test with differential and platelet count

 blood serum profile

(d) urinary mercury (for person with average exposure with amalgam fillings, average mercury level is 3 to 4 ppm; lower test level than this likely means person is poor  excretor  and accumulating mercury, often mercury toxic (35)  

(e) fractionated porphyrin urine test (note test results sensitive to light, temperature, shaking)

(f) individual tooth electric currents (replace high negative current teeth first)

(g) patient questionnaire on exposure and symptom history

(h) specific gravity of urine (test for pituitary function,  s.g  >1.022 normal;  s.g  . < 1.008 consistent with depression and suicidal tendencies (35)}


     Note: during initial exposure to mercury the body marshals immune system and other measures to try to deal  with  the challenge, so many test indicators will be high; after prolonged exposure the body and immune system inevitably lose the battle and measures to combat the challenge decrease- so some test indicator scores decline. Chronic conditions are common during this phase. Also high mercury exposures with low hair mercury or  urine  mercury   level usually indicates body is retaining mercury and likely toxicity problem(35).  In such cases where (calcium> 1100 or < 300 ppm) and low test mercury, manganese, zinc, potassium; mercury toxicity likely and  hard  to  treat since retaining mercury.

      Test results indicating mercury/ metals  toxicity ( 35): 

(a) white blood cell count >7500    or < 4500

(b)   hemocrit   > 50%   or < 40%

   lymphocyte count > 2800 or < 1800

(d) blood protein level > 7.5 gm/100 ml

(e) triglycerides > 150 mg %ml

(f) BUN > 18 or < 12

(g) hair mercury > 1.5 ppm    or <   .4 ppm

(h) oxyhemoglobin level < 55% saturated

(I)  carboxyhemoglubin  > 2.5% saturated

(j) T lymphocyte count < 2000

(k) DNA damage/cancer

(l) TSH > 1 ug

(m) hair aluminum > 10 ppm

(n) hair nickel > 1.5 ppm

(o) hair manganese > 0.3 ppm  

(p) immune reactive to mercury, nickel, aluminum, etc.

(q) high hemoglobin and  hemocrit  and high alkaline phosphatase alk   phos  ) and lactic  dehydrogenese  (LDA) during initial phases of exposure; with low/marginal hemoglobin and  hemocrit  plus low oxyhemoglobin during long- term chronic fatigue phase.

      note: after treatment of many cases of chronic autoimmune conditions such as MS, ALS,  Parkinsons  , Alzheimers  , CFS, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, etc., it has been observed that often mercury along with root canal toxicity or cavitation toxicity are major factors in these conditions, and most with these conditions improve after TDR if protocol is followed carefully(35).


  There are extensive documented cases (many thousands) where removal of amalgam fillings led to cure of serious health problems such as MS(94,95,102,170,212,213,222,271,291,302, 34 ,35,229,405), ALS(229,325,405,535,35),  Parkinsons  / muscle tremor (222,228,248,229,233c,271,212,322,469,557,94,98,35), Alzheimers (204,35), muscular/joint pain/ fibromyalgia (222,293,317,322,369,35,94),  anxiety & mental confusion (94,212,222,229,233,271,317,303,320,322,57,35), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (212,293,229,222,232,233,271,313,317,303,320,368,369, 376,595,35), memory disorders(94,222,303,595,35)

Medical studies and doctors treating  fibromylagia  have found that supplements which cause a decrease in glutamate or protect against its effects have a positive effect on fibromyalgia.  Some that have been found to be effective in treating metals related autoimmune conditions such as  Parkinsons  include Vit B6, CoenzymeQ10, methyl  cobalamine  (B12), L-carnitine, choline, ginseng, Ginkgo biloba, vitamins C and E, nicotine,  octacosanol  ,   phosphatifylserine,and   omega 3 fatty acids(fish and flaxseed oil),  tumeric  , lipoic acid, proteolytic enzymes ,and Hydergine(417,444,580).   Reduced  glutathione ( GSH) and N-acetyl cysteine(NAC) have been found to be protective against cellular apoptosis seen in  Parkinsons  and other neurodegenerative conditions( 56ab,462c, 149b).  High levels of Vitamins C and E along with zinc (517) have also been found protective against oxidative stress and some effects of mercury toxicity including for  Parkinsons  (41,63,462c,580,56a). CoQ10 at 600 mg per day was found effective at reducing  Parkinsons  effects (580). IGF-1 treatments have also been found to alleviate some of the symptoms of  ALS ( 424). There is also evidence that melatonin and curcumin may have beneficial effects on reducing metal  toxicity ( 591,497,580).  Turmeric/curcumin has been found to reduce some of the toxic and inflammatory effects of toxic metals. Lithium supplements (lithium carbonate and lithium  oratate  ) have been found to be effective in protecting neurons and brain function from oxidative and excitotoxic effects.  A recent study demonstrated that combined treatment with lithium and valproic acid elicits synergistic neuroprotective effects against glutamate excitotoxicity in cultured brain neurons (590).  

Doctors affiliated with Life Enhancement Foundation have developed a diet and supplementation protocol to reduce  Parkinsons  effects and delay the start time of daily levodopa therapy (page 1139) (580).  Dietary considerations include avoidance of alcohol, sugar, red meats, cow�s milk products, gluten, fried foods, aspartame, MSG, pesticides.   


Some clinics have found root canals, cavitations , and amalgam tattoos to also be a factor in such autoimmune conditions and that treatment of them improves prognosis in recovery from these   conditions  (35,437,580). 

Vitamin C homeostasis is essential to Brain Health

Vit C is a nutrient of great importance for proper functioning of nervous system and its main role in the brain is its participation

in the antioxidant defense. Apart from this role, it is involved in numerous non-oxidant processes like biosynthesis of collagen, carnitine, tyrosine and peptide hormones as well as of myelin. It plays the crucial role in neurotransmission and neuronal maturation and functions. For instance, its ability to alleviate seizure severity as well as reduction of seizure-induced damage have been proved. Two basic barriers limit the entry of Vit C (being a hydrophilic molecule) into the central nervous system: the blood-brain barrier and the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier (CSF). Considering the whole body, ascorbic acid uptake is mainly conditioned by two sodium-dependent transporters from the SLC23 family, the sodium-dependent Vit C transporter type 1 (SVCT1) and type 2 (SVCT2). These possess similar structure and amino acid  sequence, but  have different tissue distribution. SVCT1 is found predominantly in apical brush-border membranes of intestinal and renal tubular cells, whereas SVCT2 occurs in most tissue  cells .  SVCT2 is especially important for the transport of Vit C in the brain�it mediates the transport of ascorbate from plasma across choroid plexus to the cerebrospinal fluid and across the neuronal cell plasma membrane to neuronal  cytosol .  Although dehydroascorbic acid (DHA) enters the central nervous system more rapidly than the ascorbate, the latter one readily penetrates CNS after oral administration. DHA is taken up by the omnipresent glucose transporters (GLUT), which have affinity to this form of Vit  C .  GLUT1 and GLUT3 are mainly responsible for DHA uptake in the  CNS .  Transport of DHA by GLUT transporter is bidirectional�each molecule of DHA formed inside the cells by oxidation of the ascorbate could be  effluxed  and lost. This phenomenon is prevented by efficient cellular mechanisms of DHA reduction and recycling in ascorbate. Neurons can take up ascorbic acid using both described  ways ,  whereas astrocytes acquire Vit C utilizing only GLUT transporters.

It is well known that the main function of intracellular ascorbic acid in the brain is the antioxidant defense of the cells. However, vitamin C in the central nervous system (CNS) has also many non-antioxidant functions�it plays a role of an enzymatic co-factor participating in biosynthesis of such substances as collagen, carnitine, tyrosine and peptide hormones. It has also been indicated that myelin formation in Schwann cells could be stimulated by ascorbic acid [  7   29   ].

The brain is an organ particularly exposed to oxidative stress and free radicals� activity, which is associated with high levels of unsaturated fatty acids and high cell metabolism rate [  16   ]. Ascorbic acid, being an antioxidant, acts directly by scavenging reactive oxygen and nitrogen species produced during normal cell metabolism [  30   , 31   ]. In vivo studies demonstrated that the ascorbate had the ability to inactivate superoxide radicals�the major byproduct of fast metabolism of mitochondrial neurons [  37  ]. Moreover, the ascorbate is a key factor in the recycling of other antioxidants, e.g., alpha-tocopherol (Vitamin E). Alpha-tocopherol, found in all biological membranes, is involved in preventing lipid peroxidation by removing peroxyl radicals. During this process α-tocopherol is oxidized to the α-  tocopheroxyl  radical, which can result in a very harmful effect. The ascorbate could reduce the  tocopheroxyl  radical back to tocopherol and then its oxidized form is recycled by enzymatic systems with using NADH or NADPH [  33   ]. Regarding these facts, vitamin C is considered to be an important neuroprotective agent.  

One non-antioxidant function of vitamin C is its participation in CNS signal transduction through neurotransmitters [  16   ]. Vit C is suggested to influence this process via modulating of binding of neurotransmitters to receptors as well as regulating their release [  34   35   36   37   ]. In addition, ascorbic acid acts as a co-factor in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, particularly of catecholamines�dopamine and norepinephrine [  26   38   ]. Seitz et al. [  39   ] suggested that the modulating effect of the ascorbate could be divided into short- and long-term ones. The short-term effect refers to ascorbate role as a substrate for dopamine-β-hydroxylase. Vit C supplies electrons for this enzyme catalyzing the formation of norepinephrine from dopamine. Moreover, it may exert neuroprotective influence against ROS and quinones generated by dopamine metabolism [ 16   ]. On the other hand, the long-term effect could be connected with increased expression of the tyrosine hydroxylase gene, probably via a mechanism that entails the increase of intracellular cAMP [  39   ]. It has been stated that the function of ascorbic acid as a neuromodulator of neural transmission may be also associated with amino acidic residues reduction [  40   ] or scavenging of ROS generated in response to neurotransmitter receptor activation [  34   41   ]. Moreover, some have studies showed that ascorbic acid modulates the activity of some receptors such as glutamate as well as γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) ones [  22   40   42   43   44   ]. Vit C has been shown to prevent excitotoxic damage caused by excessive extracellular glutamate leading to hyperpolarization of the    N  -methyl-  d  -aspartate (NMDA) receptor and therefore to neuronal damage [  45   ]. Vit C inhibits the binding of glutamate to the NMDA receptor, thus demonstrating a direct effect in preventing excessive nerve stimulation exerted by the glutamate [  26   ]. The effect of ascorbic acid on GABA receptors can be explained by a decrease in the energy barrier for GABA activation induced by this agent. Ascorbic acid could bind to or modify one or more sites capable of allosterically modulating single-channel properties. In addition, it is possible that ascorbic acid acts through supporting the conversion from the last GABA-bound closed state to the open state. Alternatively, ascorbic acid could induce the transition of channels towards additional open states in which the receptor adopts lower energy conformations with higher open probabilities [  40   44   ].

There have also been reports concerning the effect of Vit C on cognitive processes such as learning, memory and locomotion, although the exact mechanism of this impact is still being investigated [  26   ]. However, animal studies have shown a clear association between the ascorbate and the cholinergic and dopaminergic systems, they also suggested that the ascorbate can act as a dopamine receptor antagonist. This was also confirmed by Tolbert et al. [  46   ], who showed that the ascorbate inhibits the binding of specific dopamine D1 and D2 receptor agonists.

Another non-antioxidant function of Vit C includes modulation of neuronal metabolism by changing the preference for lactate over glucose as an energy substrate to sustain synaptic activity. During ascorbic acid metabolic switch, this vitamin is released from glial cells and is taken up by neurons where  it  restraints glucose transport and its utilization. This allows lactate uptake and its usage as the primary energy source in neurons [  47   ]. It was observed that intracellular ascorbic acid inhibited neuronal glucose usage via a mechanism involving GLUT3 [  48   ].

Vit C is involved in collagen synthesis, which also occurs in the brain [  26   ]. There is no doubt that collagen is needed for blood vessels and neural sheath formation. It is well recognized that vitamin C takes part in the final step of the formation of mature triple helix collagen. In this stage, ascorbic acid acts as an electron donor in the hydroxylation of procollagen propyl and lysyl residues [  16   ]. The role of Vit C in collagen synthesis in the brain was confirmed by Sotiriou et al. [  49   ]. According to these authors in mice deficient in SVCT2 ascorbate transporter, the concentration of ascorbate in the brain was below detection level. The animals died due to capillary hemorrhage in the penetrating vessels of the brain. Ascorbate-dependent collagen synthesis is also linked to the formation of the myelin sheath that surrounds many nerve fibers [  26   ]. In vitro studies showed that ascorbate, added to a mixed culture of rat Schwann cells and dorsal root ganglion neurons, promoted myelin formation and differentiation of Schwann cells during formation of the basal lamina of the myelin sheath [  7   29   ].

Vit C is important for proper nervous system function and its abnormal concentration in nervous tissue is thought to be accompanied with neurological disorders.    The fact that Vit C can neutralize superoxide radicals, which are generated in large amount during neurodegenerative processes, seems to support its role in neurodegeneration. Moreover, plasma and cellular Vit C levels decline steadily with age and neurodegenerative diseases are often associated with aging. An association of Vit C release with motor activity in central nervous system regions, glutamate-uptake-dependent release of Vit C,  itspossible role in modulation of    -methyl-   d   -aspartate receptor activity as well as ability to prevent  peroxynitrite  anion formation constitute further evidence pointing to the role of Vit C in neurodegenerative processes.

Vitamin C is a major antioxidant that protects against oxidative stress and also is known as a neuromodulator in dopaminergic neurons. Adequate levels are required to protect the brain from oxidative stress damage. Lymphocyte vitamin C levels in patients with severe PD were significantly lower (odds ratio [OR], 0.87; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.80-0.97; P < 0.01) compared with those at less severe stages. Plasma vitamin C levels also tended to be lower in patients with severe PD (4).


   There are only a few human studies considering the role of Vit C treatment in PD, the existing ones give some evidences that Vit C treatment may have beneficial effect in PD course. A cohort study involving 1036 PD patients showed that dietary Vit C intake was significantly associated with reduced PD risk. However, it was not significant in a 4-year lagged analysis [   109   ]. Quiroga et al., in turn, reported a case of a 66-year-old man with PD, pleural effusion and bipolar disorder who was found to have low serum Vit C and zinc levels. Intravenous replacement of both Vit C and zinc resulted in resolution of the movement disorder in less than 24 h [   107   ]. The other case report concerned 83-year-old men with dementia, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, benign prostatic hypertension, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, congestive heart failure and suspected PD. The man was treated with Vit C (200 mg) and zinc (4 mg), which resulted in complete resolution of periungual and gingival bleeding as well as palatal petechiae. Moreover, the man�s orientation and mental status were found to be markedly improved and no further delusions or agitations were observed [   110   ].

The study (2) observations substantiate the previous in vitro findings that ascorbate specifically prevents oxidative degradation of microsomal membranes. The results indicate that vitamin C may exert a powerful protection against degenerative diseases associated with oxidative damage and play a critical role in wellness and health maintenance.

See also


Other Prevention and Treatment   :

safely replace amalgam fillings(32,33) and detox(  Pectasol  (42), Chlorella(108),  TrueMilkThistle  (55),], [Metals detox:  Pectasol  (42), Quicksilver detox(94), TrueMilkThistle,55;  TrueALA  (55), NAC(52), see doctor(33,89); pesticides: (33, ), cleanups & cleanses(31) and detox; [other detox:  Pectasol  (42), TrueMilkThistle,detox,55;True ALA, colonics(21), NAC(6,52), Carnosine(52), infra-red sauna]; [  PQQ  (43,51,52,33)- PQQ Improves mitochondrial function, improves cholesterol, improves sleep and moods, cardio function, blood sugar, reduces inflammation(63), People taking PQQ experience  signif  . Decreases in C-Reactive Protein and IL6(markers of inflammation, 64), Mitochondria dysfunction has been implicated in many disease conditions and aging processes (65).]; Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with PQQ(LE,51), LE Mitochondrial Energy Optimizer with PQQ(51,PQQ, Lipoic Acid, Taurine,  Benfotiamine  , Carnosine (103a), B6) Other T:  Tumeric  Forte with coconut oil/MCT oil(40,2b); (Simvastatin, COQ10,52): [CoQ10 is anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective(103a), clinical trials indicate protection against dementia,  Alz  , etc.)]; [nicotine patch, coffee consumption, COQ10, Fish oil, vit B complex, Vit D3, Carnitine, Green Tea(EGCG),Resveratrol, Curcumin, Melatonin(9), NAC, Lipoic Acid ,52]; Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)(60b) (HBOT therapy, L-carnitine, Lemon Balm(400mgx3), Dr. Sears(43)), Accel CoQ10,43, Galantamine(improved in 46% of cases), LE( Dec 03) ,      Azilect   (Antiaging ), music therapy, tango ( stretching, balance exercises, tango style walking, footwork patterns, dance with and without partner) ; Tai-chi; coffee and tea suppress; avoid milk; Memantine, 

Resveratro  l (prevents acetylation of tau proteins, protects DNA, protects telomeres,108)-red grapes or boiled peanuts]; [lions mane mushrooms (produce nerve growth factor (NGF) Amyloban  or lions mane supplements)- prevention or treatment of ALS, 108]; [peppermint tea, curcumin, Gingko biloba, 108]; [divalent copper or copper/zinc balance (108,112)- zinc]

selegiline/  deprenyl  /  cyprenil  ,  Phenylalanine  LE (Sep 03); high iron & manganese associated with  Parkinsons  ; vit D reduces risk of  Parkinsons  , [walking/exercise improves memory,   transdermal nicotine patches   have been found to improve cognitive functioning and other problems in  Parkinsons  patients (52). Blueberries and magnesium reduce oxidative stress and improve cognitive function. Recombinant G-CSF is a possible treatment for  Parkinsons  in clinical trials(52); Physical therapy and exercise beneficial(52), Coffee(52) and tea- but may need periodic abstinence of 2 weeks to sustain effect; [supplements (52): Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with PQQ(LE,51), Creatine, Fish Oil, complex B  vit;Vit  D3, Carnitine, Green Tea(EGCG), Resveratrol, Curcumin, Melatonin(9), NAC(6), Lipoic Acid] 

Tr: B vitamin group; vitamins E and K& D; and the antioxidant and energetic cofactors alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10; CoQ10), and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, reduced (NADH)  

proteolytic enzymes,  TrueEZ  -  D( 55 ), Vit B6, PQQ(51),  UltraAccel  II(PQQ,CoQ10,  vitE  ); 

Balancing neurotransmitters-a usually successful treatment:    Hinz  , Shallenberger, 42)-   To learn more about this treatment, and to see a patient�s story, go to   . Just click on Rod-  Parkinsons  Disease.

Some of causes/factors in  Parkinsons  are similar to   Alzheimers   (  108)- see ICT Protocol and treatments related to sources(108) in Section on  Alzheimers  .


Anti-inflammatory Essential Oils   - (eucalyptus, orange, oregano, thieves, chamomile, benzoin, boldo,   camphor ,Citronella  , Helichrysum, Manuka, Mullein, Myrrh, Rosemary, Sage,  Sandelwood  , Spikenard, Tansy,  Vitiver  , Yarrow, combinations, how to use: 22)





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