Vaccine Spike Protein and other toxins in the Covid vaccines are causing huge numbers of deaths and serious injuries and increase in mortality rates- Index page.


VCTP _______ The Vaccine Clinical Trials were Fraudulent & did not prove the vaccines were safe or effective.


CDCFDAPF __ Pfizer,Fauci ,CDC,FDA Fraudulently Manipulated the Covid and Vaccine Data to Mislead the public about the danger of Covid and deaths from Covid and the Vaccines to promote the vaccines


CVaxAERV __ According to reports in VAERS database, the vaccines are causing millions of significant injuries, hundreds of thousands of deaths and serious injuries.


CVaxHPM ___ Autopsies and Studies abstracted in NIH Pubmed document harm caused by vaccine Spike Protein & Failure of Vaccine providers to properly disclose the significant risk of Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE); or of the existence of proven effective treatments for Covid that were safer and more effective than the vaccines .


CVaxCDH ___ Huge harm being documented by the vaccine Spike Protein- by autopsies, blood tests, VAERS data reports, scientific studies.


PCRMUM ___ Failure of CDC to Disclose Serious Data Accuracy Problems of PCR Test for Covid Infection or Death Determination. PCR test cannot be used to reliably determine Covid Infection or Covid Deaths; Knowing Misuse by CDC

CVVFERT ____ Fertility and Infant Death Effects of Covid vaccines


   CAIV _______ Cancer, Turbo Cancer, and Autoimmune Conditions Increasing Rapidly After Vaccine Rollout- Documentation & the Reasons Why Provided Here

ConClude ___Conclusions from the research and experience of over 17,000 Scientists & Doctors that the Vaccine Clinical Trials were Fraudulent, the vaccines more dangerous than Covid, that Covid could be effectively treated, that the Medical Establishment has been covering up the truth & were responsible for most of the deaths called Covid Deaths by the Establishment


HWSUM ___ THE HIGHWIRE EPISODE SUMMARY & Documentation Links (HW280-HW373) (has links to each episode summary with documentation)


Treatment for Vaccination Spike Protein Damage

  (Intermittent Fasting, nattokinase , vit D, fulvic acid, Methylene Blue, etc.)


indexJOY )_Doctors Information and Treatment video set1- documentation of effective treatment options and fraud and corruption of Fauci & CDC in vaccine promotion and suppression of effective treatments

indexVR ___Doctors Information and Treatment video set2- documentation of effective treatment options and fraud and corruption of Fauci & CDC in vaccine promotion and suppression of effective treatments

CVaxHHOT __ The Vaccinations have toxins that are causing major damage & deaths-much more dangerous than the virus- which is easily treatable .