VR9- Covers the dangers with the Vaccines we haven’t been told about such as causing autoimmune conditions and recurrence of cancer and ADE reactions; along with  the censorship and coverup of information about effective treatments available and inaccurate tests and covid data. Also unprecedented infringement of personal choice, health freedom, and constitutional rights. The focus should be on healthy lifestyle and boosting the immune system; Virus experts agree that the vaccines should not be given to children and are not likely to be beneficial and are likely to do great harm. We are seeing many warning signs.


Dr Zach Bush, Endocrinologist

This is not an unusually deadly virus; healthy people don’t have major problems with it if take reasonable measures to boost immune system. Dysregulated immune system from unhealthy food or lifestyle is what causes problems with viruses. Neither HIV or CV is the problem in sickness, only in weakened immune system, which is what we should be focused on and dealing with.

The Innate immune system deals with viruses; our body has major protections against viral proteins. We don’t need drugs or vaccines to protect us against most virus, just need healthy lifestyle and boost immune system to protect us. Innate immune system is what clears the virus, not adaptive immune system. These vaccines don’t attack the virus or prevent infection. The vaccines are documented to damage the innate immune system, disabling the immune systems protection against pathogens, autoimmune conditions, and cancer.  The significant increase in cancer and autoimmune conditions and recurrencies of such conditions being reported by doctors and nurses are the largest problem being seen with the vaccines, but this issue has been little discussed. The reasons why vaccines cause these increases have been documented. The vaccine pushers can only hope to reduce symptoms. U.S has had 5 times as high a death rate reported as other countries, but the problem is our lifestyle and choices. The vaccines are dysregulating a lot of important functions and targeting things important in our immune system.  Our microbiome is vital to the health of the immune system, and vaccines adversely affect the microbiome and immune system. The effects of these vaccines is likely to be catastrophic and likely to see huge increases in autoimmune conditions and deaths we are already seeing signals off. We will also likely to see major adverse effects from ADE, pathogenic priming. Most knowledgeable scientists and extremely concerned about this. People have allowed the dissemination of misinformation and fake science to induce fear that is resulting in dangerous faulty decisions. These vaccines are likely to alter humans and civilization more adversely than anything in history.


Robert F Kennedy Jr

The public has been led to believe that the vaccines will be able to end this virus problem.

But this virus is a coronavirus similar to the flu, and we know the flu vaccine isn’t effective at preventing flu or eliminating flu danger. Military study shows you are much more likely to get covid and have problems from covid if you had a flu vaccine. Covid is likewise a corona virus and likely to have similar experience to Flu and flu vaccine. The animal tests found that the vaccines induced antibodies, but when exposed to the virus they died, unlike the unvaccinated ferrets (most like human respiratory system). Past animal studies have prevented major disasters in humans. The covid vaccines are known to create a type of antibody that makes pathogenic priming more serious. The conflict of interest and blanket immunity given these vaccines has caused major problems. The U.S. Media has been bought off like in no other country- no honest reporting- clear conflict of interest. Masks have adverse effects- limit oxygen content and collect pathogens. Fauci and the system have suppressed effective unpatented medicines and promoted patented drugs like the vaccines- resulting in hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths; He has control over the money for research, etc.  Experts agree there are dangers from ADE and other problems from these vaccines, but these aren’t being disclosed or no disclosure of effective treatments. The people in the trials were chosen for their robust health- not like the other Americans where we have smoking, obesity, diabetes, etc. It’s clear this population tested had little to fear from the virus. Unlike the population being vaccinated. We are also being systematically lied to by the government agencies and Media, including experts like Sanja Gupta. These vaccines are altering your DNA and could cause infertility and cancer and autoimmune conditions --there is evidence some of these are occurring.



Mary Holland, Law Professor, Legal Scholar, CHD- both parents were doctors

There are a huge number of serious legal problems seen from these vaccines. Congress has been bought off by the Pharmaceuticals to give them blanket immunity even though the science shows vaccines have harmed most children, and done significant harm to millions. The current system is hugely unconstitutional- no access to legal system for redress of injury.

Unprecedented constitutional issues in current situation. Profound censorship by Media, Social Media, Government- never seen to this level before. Small businesses being decimated by government policy and large businesses getting unprecedented benefits and transfers of wealth.

Independent individuals and businesses are the ones that have been under attack. We are hoping there will be a movement back toward Constitutional protections. PCR tests used illegally for mandates that are inappropriate since the test cannot determine state or cause of illnesses.

Thousands of Physicians and Medical Scientists Sign “Rome Declaration” in Protest of the suppression of science and truth and manipulation of data to promote the vaccines and the criminal policies being forced on the medical system that are responsible for the majority of the deaths wrongly called covid related. The spokesman was Dr. Robert Malone, one of the inventors of the MRNA technology and he and other virus experts said the push for vaccine mandates are irrational and will not be beneficial. The most vaccinated places are having the most problems currently, such as Israel and UK.


FB has investment in vaccines and have conflict of interest in directing fact checking and censorship without scientific basis for doing so. They are clearly censoring valid scientific information and data.

My daughter regressed into autism after MMR vaccine, like thousands of others. I wasn’t aware that vaccines contained toxins like thimerosal which caused huge health problems.


The warp speed vaccines have bypassed the normal tests and requirements used in the past.

These have never been used before, and the limited trials were questionable about validity-they have been allowed to coverup the data. We haven’t been having disclosure of effective alternative treatments or dangers such as ADE.  This is genetic programming in humans, not vaccines. Animal tests were problematic. The public has heard over and over that vaccines are safe and effective, but there is no clear demonstration that this is true, since it doesn’t appear they are preventing infections or reducing deaths.

Children are the least likely to get the virus and least likely to get serious effects, but vaccines being pushed for children. Virus experts like Dr Robert Malone and Dr Geert vanden Bossche agree children should not be vaccinated and that vaccine mandates are irrational and counter- productive. They explain why the unvaccinated population offers the only hope of herd immunity and controlling the virus.