Episode 5 : Vaccine Revealed: THE TRUTH, THE LIES, AND THE MISCONCEPTIONS ________ _( Summary: B Windham)

Science and Medical Information is being severely censored in U.S. currently.

Lead Physician’s Assistant Deborah Conrad ( whistleblower ) reports huge increase in hospital cases of all types of serious health problems after the vaccine rollout- blood clots, cardiomyopathies, Guillain Barre, pneumonia in summer time, stokes, neurological problems, seizures and tremors, elderly passing out after vaccination, multiorgan failure 48 hours after vaccination, cancers coming back from remission after vaccination, rapid progressing cancer progressing to death so rapidly type could not be identified, Vaccinated commonly test positive for covid a week after vaccination, menstrual problems . BMJ: Plausible link of menstrual changes after Covid-19 vaccination

Hundreds of adverse effect cases in her hospital - but similar for other hospitals with whistleblower nurses .

Most doctors and nurses do not know about VAERS, yet law requires them to fill out VAERS report for cases they are aware of. VAERS has very involved process requirements and significant verification. Very hard to get accepted if not experienced health professional, but large numbers of adverse effects being reported by health professionals and much larger numbers unreported.

Adverse effects being covered up by Hospitals to promote the vaccine: Internal Hospital Video – promoting (calling patients that don’t have covid as covid cases)- to scare people to get vaccine. Telling people (you are likely to die if you don’t get vaccine)- but their own statistics show people extremely unlikely to die from virus.


Twitter and You Tube admit they ban any information not agreeing with info from CDC or FDA, but the CDC/FDA information has been documented to be fraudulent so only fraudulent information posted . Similar is true of most Media .


There have been more deaths from this vaccine in a few months that from all previous vaccines. These vaccines are causing large numbers of deaths and significant adverse effects including fertility effects and high percentage of spontaneous abortions. Also after vaccination doctors and nurses are reporting: huge increase seen in Guillain- Barre and other autoimmune conditions and cancer and other chronic conditions.

Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Ben Tapper, Dr. James Lyons- Weiler - Masks documented to be more harmful than beneficial , especially for children, but used as means of control and politically rather than for health benefit. PCR test not a valid or accurate test for Covid illness or cause of death. Doesn’t differentiate between CV & Flu or etc. Unprecedented rush to release experimental vaccines that aren’t proven effective or safe- huge range of adverse effects that will likely continue to grow.

Dr. James Lyons- Weiler , Professor/ Researcher /Epigenetics— vaccines have caused much harm to children, main cause of autism and ADHD. studies document that un- vaccinated children are much healthier than vaccinated children (see study- Pubmed & Dr. Rashid Betarr agrees). CDC and FDA are arms of the Pharmaceutical Industry- no one representing public- no serious regulation of Pharmaceuticals. The current misuse of the PCR test to manipulate covid statistics is a continuation of the manipulation by these agencies of Flu statistics since 2014 to promote vaccination. Big marine study found 48% false positives- can’t be used to determine cause of illness, being used for manipulation and propaganda. Money is a huge problem in medical system – corrupting influence allowing great harm. Genetic studies document that pathogenic priming is a serious problem for the current vaccines- spike protein included in vaccine appears to have been a bad choice. Virus experts like Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Gert vanden Bossche agree with this.

Dr. Patrick Gentempo - Science and Medical Information is being severely censored in U.S. currently. Thousands of Physicians and Medical Scientists Sign “ Rome Declaration ” in Protest of the suppression of science and truth and manipulation of data to promote the vaccines and the criminal policies being forced on the medical system that are responsible for the majority of the deaths wrongly called covid related. The spokesman was Dr. Robert Malone, one of the inventors of the MRNA technology and he and other virus experts said the push for vaccine mandates are irrational and will not be beneficial. The most vaccinated places are having the most problems currently, such as Israel and UK.


Dr. Andrew Kaufman- no studies have documented any benefit of masks- they clearly can cause harm if used very long. Healthy people don’t spread illness- no asymptomatic spread. No trial has shown a benefit. Psychological harm especially significant in children, and health problems to many. Impaired developmental effects. PCR test is not a valid test, studies have documented it has no validity to determine whether ill or cause of illness. Scientists agree on this. We have no tests that determine whether one has illness due to Covid with any degree of accuracy. No serious effort is being made to determine what the cause of people’s illness or death. Most deaths just being assumed by CDC to be from covid- but no evidence to support that. Selection bias. These vaccines have been released with very little of the normal testing that is done in record time. New technology never successful before, yet testing truncated- released without being proven safe and effective. Virus experts expected lots of serious adverse effects from this new vaccine. FDA letter when released only said they may be effective, not that proven.

Dr. James Lyons- Weiller , Biologist, Epigenetics, Professor-Cancer

Researched Ebola- wrote book; researched vaccines & wrote book;

Researched autism, wrote book- autism is an acquired cellular detoxification problem- caused commonly by vaccines

CDC and FDA are arms of the Pharmaceutical Industry- no one representing public- no serious regulation of Pharms

CDC deliberately misleading public regarding Flu since 2014- lumped in all kinds of infectious disease- done to promote flu vaccinations

CDC ruled in April that all with infectious or dying with infectious condition will be called covid- no serious effort to differentiate cause- hospitals paid to call deaths covid

Money is major problem in medicine- no differential of good money and bad money- causing huge harm to people’s health and the environment- don’t count the cost of health harm or toxics in environment.

CV clearly created in lab and released from Wuhan

People have lots of viruses, but not ill from them most of time. PCR test looks for whether a person has been exposed to a coronavirus. As used by CDC, you get massive overstated of covid illness and deaths.

PCR test documented to have at least 48% false positives- but this has huge costs for policy and health- useful only for propaganda- all decisions need good data and real cost benefit analysis. But studies show test not accurate for positive or negative cases. Dr Lee.

Marine recruit study- at least 48% with PCR positive did not have covid disease. Since the test is so inaccurate, we need to assess cost benefit of false positives and false negatives. ( part I)

Pathogenic priming likely contributes to serious and critical illness and mortality in COVID-19 via autoimmunity, James Lyons- Weiler , Journal of Translational Autoimmunity2020 |   journal-article

DOI:   10.1016/j.jtauto.2020.100051

Significant health problems from pathogenic priming are being seen from both covid and the covid vaccines targeting elements of MHC Class I and Class II antigen presentation, PD-1 signaling, cross-presentation of soluble exogenous antigens and the ER-Phagosome pathway. The proteins with the largest number of immunogenic peptides were the Spike, or S protein (N  6 in total), the one included in the vaccines. Thus, the likelihood of pathogenic priming damages are high.

Special Issue "COVID-19 Vaccine and Human Health"

Dr. Weiler - Regarding masks, they also have a long history and have had many studies done. We know from past studies that masks accumulate pathogens. And people’s methods for getting masks on and off and storage are not such that the pathogens would not be spread- so just on this factor masks are not effective at preventing transferal of pathogens. Kids should never have to mask, there is no way masks for children could be effective and they do great harm psychologically. And it’s been shown children do not transmit the virus due to innate immunity. Masks in real practice are not effective. Kids constantly touch masks, and masks change the mix of gases improperly- detrimental to health. If masks are mandated, they should be clear for psychological reasons.

Dr Ben Tapper , Chiropractor

We are one of 2 countries in world allowing Pharmaceutical advertising on TV. The Pharms money has vast control on our system. There is no valid study showing masks are effective at preventing disease. Part of an agenda rather than valid action. The focus on mask is about agenda and control- not on health benefit. The CDC data is fake, not real. Manipulation of data for agenda- this about a faction taking control of the public- the great reset- manipulation of wealth to transfer most to ultrarich and most of control. Everyone involved with tests knows these are not valid tests- as the inventor of PCR Dr Kary Mullis has confirmed. This whole propaganda campaign is about pushing the vaccines- the vaccines contain toxic substances including toxic nanoparticle- there will be tremendous immune, neurological, and autoimmune problems. We have to be willing to speak out.


Dr Herbert LEY, former FDA Commissioner:

“The FDA protects the Drug companies and is rewarded for this. Using the Government’s Police Powers, they attack those who threatens the drug companies. The thing that bothers me is that the public thinks the FDA is protecting them, but it isn’t. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks its doing are as different as night and day.”

Lyons- Weiler , J.; Thomas, P. Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination.  Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health   202017 , 8674. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17228674

the unvaccinated pediatric patients in this practice are healthier overall than the vaccinated.
