Nature-Based Agroecology Is Gaining Momentum as a Key Climate Solution

A groecology i s a "holistic approach" to farming, includes intercropping and planting cover crops, integrating livestock and trees into landscapes, and deploying organic farming methods to enhance biodiversity and soil health while eliminating dependence on external inputs like pesticides and synthetic fertilizer. It's a nature-based solution that can "contribute to both climate mitigation and adaptation," the IPCC stresses. It's also a solution grounded in an embrace of the human rights of Indigenous and small-scale producers,

Time to push Cover Crops as one solution to world food crisis and global warming

Chocho is an ancient legume that is packed with protein, fiber, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals . Chocho has been used by Indigenous farmers in the Andes Mountains as a cover crop for harvests of primary crops like corn, quinoa, and potatoes. “ C rop R otation ,” where different crops are planted sequentially on the same piece of land across several seasons. These crops positively affect soil quality, water, and biodiversity on farms . They reduce the soil’s reliance on one set of nutrients and make the land more resistant to weeds, pests, and diseases. Lastly, cover crops can cause an increase in crop yields for farmers resulting in more productive and fertile farming.

Benefits of Cover Crops

Cover Crops

The Importance of Cover Crops - Cornell Cooperative …

10 reasons to use cover crops | Farm Progress

Regenerative Agriculture Part 4: The Benefits to Water Quality, Soil Health, and Biodiversity ( )

“ Regenerative” is Key to Agriculture/Water Sustainability

What's unique and importqnt about Regenerative Farming ?

A New Approach to Nutrient Efficiency

SOURCE is an example of a product that works by activating soil microbes that fix nitrogen in the atmosphere and unlock phosphorous in the soil.

Enabling Regenerative Agriculture

Ukraine War affecting Potash and Nitrogen fertilizer supply and World Food and Economic Security;

Current common use of commercial fertilizer in farming and gardening causing nutrient runoff and great harm to ecosystems and waterways


Use of Natural Bulk Products and Organic Fertilizers can provide major help for both Problems


Plant-based organic fertilizers include such products as City yard waste compost, food waste compost; chicken litter, animal manure, Control-burn wood ash, C ottonseed meal, alfalfa meal, soybean meal, and seaweed . C ottonseed meal and soybean meal each offer up to 7 percent nitrogen . A typical load of chicken litter might contain something close to 75 pounds of nitrogen, 27 pounds of phosphorus and 33 pounds of potassium per ton.

21+ Organic Fertilizers and How To Use Them In Your Garden

List of the Best 15 Common Organic Fertilizers - Gardening …

The 9 Best Organic Fertilizers of 2022

Commercial & Bulk Fertilizers for Large Scale Applications

Arbico Organics- Commercial & Bulk Fertilizers

Bulk Organic Fertilizer

Ferti-Nitro Plus (nitrogen-soy protein)

The Best Organic Fertilizer Options For Gardeners - https://

The Best Organic Fertilizers to Double Your Harvest

Dr Earth Organic Fertilizers (nitrogen, lime, etc.)

BIOCANNA - Organic Fertilizers

Borregaard Natural Plant Nutrients

Jobe’s Organic Fertilizers

Neptune’s Harvest Organic Hydrolized Fish & Seaweed

High Island’s All Purpose Organic Fertilizer (chicken manure)