July 16, 2007

Parents condemn MMR 'showtrial'

As Dr Andrew Wakefield and two colleagues heard a complex laundry list of unprofessional charges read against them at a General Medical Council disciplinary hearing today, their supporters, gathered on the sunny pavement outside, saw the case in raw and simple terms.

Each was the parent or grandparent of an autistic child and many had brought an offspring to show that what should be the joy of creating new life can so easily turn to a lottery - and it’s not always God who picks the numbers; sometimes, say the aggrieved, it’s doctors.

Adam, aged 13, chewed endlessly on a fancy ribbon and had to be caught by his mother when he looked like taking a death-defying stroll across the busy Euston Road. Oliver, aged 20, is an excellent reader, so long as it’s Thomas the Tank Engine. Their devoted parents are articulate, campaigning, well schooled in conducting their own research and entirely convinced of a conspiracy between the medical establishment, politicians and the pharmaceutical industry.

“This is a show trial that has nothing to do with the truth,” Bill Welsh, a campaigner from Edinburgh and a grandparent of Luke, aged 12, said. Luke cannot talk.

David Thrower from Warrington, whose son was healthy at 15 months but is now mentally handicapped, has conducted his own intensive survey of all the research material published in learned journals on the possible MMR-autism connection. “We are not anti-vaccine campaigners and we admit that much more research is needed in this area. But we believe that Dr Wakefield is the man who has taken us nearest the truth. Whatever the GMC may say, this hearing is all about MMR and it is politically motivated.”

Celia Forrest, the mother of an autistic teenager from north London, had one word for the hearing: witchhunt. “No parent has laid a single complaint against any of these three doctors and none of them has harmed a patient. GMC hearings are usually the result of a patient’s complaint about a doctor’s incompetence or misconduct.”

Jackie Fletcher, a founder of the Lancashire-based Jabs campaign against the triple vaccination, agreed that the hearing was a witchhunt against Dr Wakefield for daring to suggest that there could be a connection between MMR and autism. “This is a warning to other GPs and paediatricians to stay in line, abide by NHS policy, keep offering MMR because it’s cheaper than separate injections and don’t offer full clinical examinations to autistic children.”

Washington, DC - Parents and advocacy groups around the globe are asking England’s General Medical Council (GMC) to cancel the “fitness to practice” inquiry that begins today against Dr. Andy Wakefield, and Professors Walker-Smith and Murch. Advocates say the GMC should instead be asking why so many kids are sick, especially in light of an apparently suppressed analysis showing that autism rates in England are as high as 1 in 58. The medical establishment is being criticized for doing little to find the cause, treat the kids, or prevent new cases.

“The list of charges reveal the utter lack of any case against Dr. Wakefield and his colleagues, who are at risk of losing their licenses,” according to National Autism Association (NAA) board member and parent Scott Bono. The charges, only made known last week, relate primarily to a peer-reviewed case report published in 1998 in the “Early Reports” section of The Lancet, one of England’s leading medical journals: Ileal-lymphoid-nodular-hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive disability disorder in children. This first report of a new syndrome, never refuted or retracted, has since been repeatedly reported and studied by other researchers. Vaccine-strain measles virus has been found and sequenced from gut biopsies and cerebral spinal fluid in autistic children.

The evidence will demonstrate that questioned diagnostic studies used by Dr. Wakefield, such as colonoscopies and lumbar punctures, were not only approved by ethics review but were clinically indicated. These have now been accepted as the standard of care by a group of leading pediatric gastroenterologists in the United States.

Other charges concern incomplete disclosures of what the advocacy groups consider irrelevant material that could appear to be a conflict of interest only to vaccine makers and government agencies shielding vaccines from legitimate and appropriate criticism. Dr. Wakefield had consulted with lawyers and families receiving government funding from the Legal Aid Board on an entirely separate study to determine whether measles virus could be identified in the diseased gut tissue, providing vital evidence for a possible class action. The legal aid board subsequently determined that this explanation for autism was more probable than not, but under government pressure dropped funding for the suit.

In the first of 5000 cases to be heard in a special vaccine court in the US last month, evidence presented demonstrated that 12-year old Michelle Cedillo began regressing into autism just a week after her MMR vaccination at 15 months. The plausible cause was a persistent measles infection which took hold through an immune system weakened by mercury in vaccines administered prior to the MMR.

Many have cited the major theme of the Government’s defense in vaccine court was that those who have the temerity to question vaccine safety must be censored and their research stopped rather than risk impairing public confidence in vaccines. According to a growing number of parents, the actual threats involved are:

* companies making vaccines without appropriate safety considerations because they no longer need fear accountability through litigation
* government denials of the autism epidemic that allow an avoidance of funding research into cause and treatment
* a sclerotic medical establishment with its head in the sand as a tsunami of sick children rages overhead.

“The search for truth in autism must be guided by sound science and not be led astray by fear, censorship, and the greed of the pharma-government complex,” commented NAA president Wendy Fournier. “Perhaps the greatest damage done by this GMC hearing, other than a complete waste of time and resources, is the chill wind blown over parents and scientists who dare to ask the hard questions against this and any other medical orthodoxy: why are so many of our kids sick and what can, indeed what must, we do to help them?”

No parents will testify against Wakefield and his colleagues at the GMC hearing. Instead, they have organized a protest coinciding with the start of the hearing. “NAA stands shoulder to shoulder with our British friends in their search for truth, justice, and treatments for their kids,” said Ms. Fournier. “We urge the GMC to stop this persecution and take urgent action in view of a true national health emergency to care for the children afflicted with autism.”

The CryShame initiative has three themes: the children, the science and the politics. Our aims reflect these themes:

  • To bring the plight of affected children and their families to the forefront of public attention
  • To bring further attention to the growing body of evidence relating to environmental influences on the rise in diagnosis autism spectrum disorders and to increase awareness of the various treatment models for which a clear evidence base is steadily accumulating.
  • To reveal the political and financial interests surrounding the role of vaccines – specifically MMR and thimerosol containing vaccines - in the onset of autistic-like regression and to make transparent the ruthless attempts to discredit those professionals who aim to shed light on the situation.

In the short term the attention of CryShame will be on the upcoming UK GMC hearing at which three of the very few medical professionals offering hope to the affected children and families have been summoned to appear. This hearing is a response to allegations not from affected families, children or patients but from one investigative journalist whose relentless attacks on the families, scientists and doctors involved in this issue are a matter of public record. The GMC hearing is scheduled for the 16th July 2007 and CryShame will ensure that together with other organisations we will help provide a window on this world of deceit.

I told the truth all along, says doctor at heart of autism row



The truth about MMR ,  Dr. Richard Halvorsen's new book 'The Truth about Vaccines' investigates the truth about the MMR vaccine and how safe it really is


New health fears over big surge in autism;   Denis Campbell, health correspondent
Sunday July 8, 2007, The Observer



One in 58 British children is autistic, new figures reveal, Cambridge University's Autism Research Centre






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