Information on Treatment of Chronic Lyme Disease and Connections to Neurodegenerative Conditions

B Windham (Editor)


Dr. Simon Yu has much information on Lyme Disease and Treatment of Lyme Disease in his Book: Accidental Blowup in Medicine, 2019.  He points out that undiagnosed Lyme has been shown to be a factor in many cases of virtually all types of chronic degenerative neurological conditions- such as ALS, ALZ, Parkinson’s, MS, Bell’s palsy; & CFS, FM, Arthritis, etc. He also points out that most patients with post-Lyme Syndrome are found to have other underlying chronic problems disabling their immune system that have to be tested and treated for the patient to improve. The most common include Dental Problems (Amalgam Fillings, Gold Crowns, highly toxic infections from Root-Canaled Teeth and Jawbone Cavitations); (Parasitic or Fungal or Viral Infections); Toxic Metals or other Toxins, tick-borne cofactors such as Babesia, Erhlicia, Rocky Mountain Fever, etc. These should be tested for.

He recommends the book The Tick Slayer by Perry Fields and testing by Acupuncture Meridian or ART (Dr. D Klinghardt) or such ( ) and Heavy Metals test to determine what treatments are needed. Dr. Dietrick Klinghardt, well known for treatment of lyme disease notes that Kryptopurroluria (KPU) and Hemopyrroluria (HPU) are a major factor in recovery from chronic lyme disease and recommends the book- “Kryptopyrroluria 2017: A Major Piece of the Puzzle in Overcoming Chronic Lyme Disease” by S. Forsgren & D. Klinghardt. KPU & HPU have been found to be associated with mercury or toxic metal toxicity, autism, MS, & Parkinsons.

            Pathologist Alan MacDonald, M.D. did brain autopsies of people who died of chronic neurodegenerative disease and found tick-borne disease including Lyme Borrelia pathogens inside parasitic nematode worms or larvae in the brain tissue. Both the parasites and the pathogens can cause devasting brain damage. Current standard test used for Lyme are not useful of such. See

Neuro borreliosis Research, Dr. Alan MacDonald,

Bell’s palsy signifies paralysis of facial muscles related to inflammation of the associated 7th Cranial Nerve. Physicians may not realize that this syndrome is caused by the spirochetal agent of Lyme disease until proven otherwise. Whether it is a full or hemi-facial paralysis, Bell’s palsy is cosmetically disfiguring when fully expressed. 

Dr. Sherr goes on to draw parallels with infection of the 10th cranial nerve, the vagus nerve, which controls the gut and other vital organs. Few patients or doctors suspect a tick-borne pathogen as the cause of the problems that result.

Read the article here.

“Bell’s Palsy of the Gut” and Other GI Manifestations of Lyme and Associated Diseases  Thank you for explaining the Lyme depleting Magnesium.  My husband and I have struggled for years to find oral mag that was better absorbed.  Some months ago I read the "Delano Report on Orotates" where he described the discovery many years ago by Dr. Nepier.  You might find it of interest.  Although there isn't an abundance of documentation from his research, according to his findings, magnesium orotate, unlike other forms, is taken directly into the cells (probably similar to Mag. oil) and claims to help a laundry list of conditions, especially heart disease, which my husband has.  Since switching from other forms to orotates for ALL of our mineral supplements, we have seen great improvements, most notably in muscle cramps.    My husband is now following Dr. Nepier's "formula" for unclogging arteries based on what he used in his practice.   I was infected with Lyme in husband dx 6 months ago with Lyme, Babs and Rickettsi.  His is being adequately treated.  Mine wasn't dx. until 2011. Before switching to Orotate Mag capsules (can find at Swanson's health online) I was also using powdered Mag. Malate before bedtime, and that was also very helpful because I felt the affects of it within minutes, but saw even greater improvement with my sleep and muscle cramps after adding Orotate.  Now I take both the Orotate and Malate form at bedtime.  Also use topical magnesium spray or ACV at night for severe cramps from workout.  In years when I was very ill with Lyme, I used to have die-off big time if I took long hot baths with Epsom and Borax.  Was told Borax could kill the bugs, but I can't verify.

h When I was diagnosed with Lyme, I was also tested for all the viruses and learned I had several virus as well. This included the herpes virus. To treat my virus load, I turned to herbs. The best antiviral herb is Chinese Skullcap. Sage woman herbs makes a tincture called “EBV” (I believe). I used that for quite a long time and then learned to make my own to save money. I highly recommend it or just Chinese skullcap. Be mindful that Chinese skullcap can interact with prescription meds so do a little research. Otherwise a very helpful herb. 

And to answer your question, yes L-Lysine is helpful for herpes

Curcumin is the best anti inflammatory out there (if you find a good one). You want to find one that is pure and not full of “fillers”. Black pepper helps the absorption and a fat substance is also helpful (so take it with milk, coconut oil, a meal, etc). You cannot take too much curcumin so don’t worry about that. The cheapest route I have found is to buy turmeric powder from an Indian Grocery store (it is very inexpensive). I mix ˝ cup turmeric powder with ˝ teaspoon black pepper. I put a teaspoon of this mixture in my chai tea and drink it several times a day (my chai tea has cream in it). I have also mixed my turmeric and black pepper mixture with melted coconut oil until it is a honey thick consistency. I put this into capsules using a condiment bottle I obtained from Walmart for $0.97. I keep my capsules in the refrigerator. I take 4 of these daily and sometimes four times a day depending on how I feel. When you feel terrible, you can take 4 and wait 30 minutes. If you still don’t feel good, take 4 more and keep repeating every 30 minutes (you shouldn’t need to do this too many times). If you needed to repeat it, then up your dose to 8 instead of 4. My husband takes 6 at a time. 




(a)Lyme Disease- Klinghardt-; & (b)  Biological Treatment- Klinghardt-; & (c) “Bell’s Palsy of the Gut” and Other GI Manifestations of Lyme and Associated Diseases,


Has anybody tried Disulfiram for Lyme? Apparently it kills Lyme spirochete persister cells. From what I've read, I'm pretty impressed and am anxious to try it (after 7 years in bed). Another plus is that you don't need a prescription and can get it from Canada.

- I have been on it for about half a year now. First off, you must avoid all (including HIDDEN) sources of alcohol! 

If you don't, you will end up in the ER.

These include fermented things, like vinegar in mustard, and even Shepherd's Pie, believe it or not. 

No alcohol on skin, no mouthwash. 

Second, blood studies are needed for liver function.

I personally have had no problems with these things, but do suffer terrible insomnia and anxiety, although these symptoms might not be caused by Disulfiram. 

I believe that it is helping me, after no success with Rocephin and bad effects from Minocycline. 

Disulfiram is a powerful drug. I strongly recommend you take it under doctor's supervision.