HW308 CHEMICAL TRAIL: CHEMTRAILS & Was the Pfizer Lyme Vaccine Clinical Trial Fraudulent like the Covid Clinical Trial Was? & THE BATTLE OVER FLUORIDE TOXICITY and HARM



Del tackles the taboo topic with Chemtrails and weather modification, questioning Lead Researcher for ‘GeoEngineering Watch,’ Dane Wigington, on his findings from US Patents, military whistleblowers, and even lab-studied samples from cloud seeding. Is it a global conspiracy?

The Guardian: China modified the weather to create clear skies for political celebration, study

Euronews: China is now controlling the weather. What’s the environmental cost?

XINHUA NET: China allocates 8.8 bln yuan for weather modification program

XINHUA NET: Xinjiang reduces farming damage by weather modification

DTIC: An Introduction to Weather Modification

US Code House: National Weather Modification Policy Act of 1976

Texas Tech University: Weather Modification: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Oceans and International Environment of the Committee on Foreign Relations

UN Documents: Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques

MIT Technology Review: A startup says it’s begun releasing particles into the atmosphere, in an effort to tweak the climate

Global Research: Planetary Weapons and Military Weather Modification: Chemtrails, Atmospheric Geoengineering and Environmental Warfare

The modern weather modification program, at least in the US, is over 70 years old. Public service announcements printed in newspapers back in the 1960s warned of government intention to modify the weather.

The Guardian: Bill Gates is the biggest private owner of farmland in the United States. Why?

University of Alaska Fairbanks: About HAARP High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP)

The Ionospheric Research Instrument, a high-power transmitter facility operating in the High Frequency range. The IRI can be used to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere for scientific study.

PEER: Weather Service Employees Tethered by Illegal Gag Orders

GeoEngineering Watch Website

GeoEngineering Watch: The Dimming Documentary (documentary: global geo-engineering Cover-up)

DTIC: Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025 (research paper on weather modification)

Congr. Solar Radiation Manipulation Plan has dangers (like Chem. Trails)    


Lyme Disease

FDA Must Investigate Pfizer Lyme Vaccine Trial: indications of past and current fraud or questionable validity of trials.


Pfizer Covid Clinical Trial Was Fraudulent and Did not Demonstrate that the Vaccine was Safe or Effective




Years of peer-reviewed studies on the dangers of human exposure to fluoride should be enough to prove it isn’t a conspiracy. Activist and investigative journalist, Derrick Broze, describes the near decade long legal battle between multiple watchdog groups and the EPA to release the National Toxicology Program’s review that could blow the lid off serious dangers of fluoride toxicity in U.S. drinking water.


Systematic Review Finding: Any Level of Fluoride in Water Is Unsafe


Merriam-Webster: Conspiracy Theory Definition

The Last American Vagabond: Censored Review On Fluoride’s Toxicity Will Soon Be Made Public

EPA: Citizen Petition Regarding the Neurotoxic Risks Posed by Fluoride Chemicals in Drinking Water

 EWG: Federal Lawsuit Could Limit Fluoride in Drinking Water

Science Direct: Prenatal exposure to fluoride and neuropsychological development in early childhood: 1-to 4 years old children

JAMA Network: Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ Scores in Offspring in Canada
 EHP: Prenatal Fluoride Exposure and Cognitive Outcomes in Children at 4 and 6 to 12 Years of Age in Mexico

Fluoride Alert: Plaintiffs’ Redacted Notice Regarding The National Toxicology Program’s Assessment of Fluoride Neurotoxicity

Fluoride Toxicity Study finally released by EPA after Suit; fluoride toxicity proven to reduce child ID

Health Officials Delayed Report Linking Fluoride to Brain Harm

Prior to the NTP report’s scheduled release in May 2022, it was shared with members of dental groups like the American Dental Association, which urged officials to alter the report.

After a court order, the NTP report was released, showing that out of 55 studies included, 52 found that increased fluoride exposure was associated with decreases in child IQ.

The meta-analysis noted that no safe exposure level could be confirmed, including exposure to fluoride levels found in artificially fluoridated water.

Fluoride Alert: Fluoride Action Network Website

Fluoride Alert: Court Rejects EPA’s Attempt to Delay Case Further

Fluoride Alert: Plaintiffs’ Opposition To Defendants’ Administrative Motion To Govern Future Proceedings

Science Direct: Fluoride exposure and hypothyroidism in a Canadian pregnancy cohort

ADA: ADA Applauds USPHS Final Recommendation on Optimal Fluoride Level in Drinking Water

Open Research: The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland

National Library of Medicine: Effect of fluoridated water on intelligence in 10-12-year-old school children
 Amazon: The Fluoride Deception

  Salon: Why anti-fluoride conspiracy theories have persisted for over 70 years (CORRUPTION continues)

The Conscious Resistance Website

The Conscious Resistance: How to Opt-Out of the Technocratic State Book

CNBC: Elon Musk: Mark my words:  A.I. is far more dangerous than nukes

Psychology Today: Why We Fear Face Recognition Technology

Derrick Broze Website


Toxics in Food are increasing and causing serious chronic conditions.


Forever Chemicals are everywhere. The battle over who pays to clean them up is just getting started.

States are fighting manufacturers over cost of removing toxic substances tied to human health risks.


Cleanup of Oceans 'Futile' If Plastic Production Continues at Current Rate: Scientist


Infected root canaled teeth may lead to heart disease, cancer, and other chronic health issues; consider ozone therapy before getting a root canal or tooth extraction done, particularly on a child.

In the Netflix documentary "Root Cause," you can watch first-hand accounts of people suffering from chronic anxiety, fatigue, nausea, dizziness and insomnia, which was ultimately traced back to a root canal.

Dr. Thomas Levy, a board-certified cardiologist and author of "Hidden Epidemic: Silent Oral Infections Cause Most Heart Attacks and Breast Cancers," explains that while root canals may relieve pain caused by an infected or abscessed tooth, it doesn't eliminate infection.



US Watchdog Message to Europe: There Is No Such Thing as Green Fracking


Link Between Heavy Metals in Food With Autism and ADHD Risk- Calls for Mandatory Food Labelling


Senate Dems Elevate Farmers Calls for Relief From Toxic Train Derailment:

The farmer shouldn't be penalized for this unfortunate and unique situation, said John Stock of the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association. It's going to have an impact on these farms, and it's a reality that impacts all of us.


California Bill Seeks to Ban Toxins in Food Moving Forward—Chemical Companies Oppose


RFK Jr. Launches Presidential Campaign, Vows to Reduce Chronic Disease in Children


Pro-Polluter Manchin Announces He'll Block Biden's Nominee for Land and Minerals Regulator

Despite 81,692 Fatal Overdoses, FDA Rewards Pharma Execs (Corruption continues)


As masks, lockdowns, and COVID shots are being seen for how truly ineffective they each were, it’s natural immunity’s turn to be recognized after years of censorship. As legacy media races to act like they are breaking a new story, many know all along the power of natural immunity.

Why antibody levels do not equal "immunity": Part 3 & why natural immunity is better than vaccine immunity



COVID-19 Vaccines were Proven Ineffective Before Vaccine Campaign Roll Out


New York Times: The Mask Mandates Did Nothing. Will Any Lessons Be Learned?

The Lancet: Scientific consensus on the COVID-19 pandemic: we need to act now

USA Today: Fact check: COVID-19 vaccines provide safer, more consistent immunity than infection
 Mother Jones: Anti-Vaxxers Have a Dangerous Theory Called “Natural Immunity.” Now It’s Going Mainstream

ICAN: ICAN Demands That CAL OSHA Recognize Natural Immunity

ICAN: ICAN Eviscerates CDC In Formal Exchange Regarding Natural Immunity

ICAN: ICAN Demands CDC Authors Withdraw Rigged Natural Immunity Study

NBC: Immunity acquired from a Covid infection is as protective as vaccination against severe illness and death, study finds

U.S. News: Study: Natural Immunity From COVID-19 Infection Provides High Protection Against Severe Disease

The Lancet: Past SARS-CoV-2 infection protection against re-infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis

NBC KGW8: No, proof of previous COVID infection cannot be used to get around a vaccine mandate

Reuters: U.S. Judge upholds COVID-19 vaccine requirement for those with 'natural immunity'

Fox News: Hundreds more NYC teachers, aides fired for not complying with COVID-19 vaccine mandate: report

New York Post: NYC teachers who refused COVID vaccine slapped with ‘scarlet letter’ in personnel files: lawyer

New York Post: Eric Adams lifts COVID vax mandate for NYC workers — but what of the 1,780 fired?

Washington Examiner: Maryland State Senator pulls bill nixing parent consent for vaccines after blowback

Twitter: Cheryl Kagan Tweet





ICAN’s latest legal win put Del up against an old foe in Richard Pan, the former CA Senator secretly behind the push for San Diego Unified School District’s attempt to mandate the COVID-19 vaccine. Hear the details of the legal precedent the win sets and how Pan failed to cover up the loss.

ICAN: ICAN-Funded Lawsuit Prohibiting Any Local Vaccine Mandates Wins Final Battle; Sets California Precedent!

ICAN: Richard Pan Letter in Support of Request for Depublication

California Courts: Depublication Request Denied



It is perhaps the biggest untold medical story involving the government of our time. American’s have nowhere to turn if they get injured or die after receiving a COVID vaccine. FOIA emails reveal a countermeasures compensation program unwilling to safeguard, or even compensate, injured vaccine recipients.

HRSA: National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

Reuters: COVID-19 era highlights U.S. 'black hole' compensation fund for pandemic vaccine injuries

HRSA: National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Fact Sheet

Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget: Covid Money Tracker

Reuters: COVID vaccine injury plaintiffs face long odds in U.S. compensation program

HRSA: Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) Data

HRSA: Table 3. CICP Claims Pending Compensation



The Washington Post: Sweden Finds Explosive Traces at Nord Stream Blast Sites, Confirms Sabotage

Seymour Hersh Substack: How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline

Nord Stream: Who We Are