This is Dr. Brownstein's Covid protocol for vitamins, for someone with a significant covid exposure

or beginning to have symptoms: 


Vitamin D3 50,000IU once daily for 4 days then reduce dose to 10,000IU daily

Vitamin A 100,000IU once daily for 4 days then reduce dose to 10,000IU daily

Vitamin C 1,000mg every hour until bowel tolerance (until loose stools develop) for 4 days.

Quercetin 500mg daily

Zinc 50 to 75mg daily (take with food)

Natto-kinase supplement twice daily for about 3-4 weeks.

25mg/day of Liquid Lugol's Iodine for 4 days.


If you start feeling flu-like or have cold symptoms, then get tested and isolate. 


I would pick up the nebulizer and H2O2 and saline solution to have on hand in case of infection.


Dr. Ola



(my doctor adds Xlear nasal spray and prescribes Ivermectin once per week when heavily exposed or with symptoms, or as needed depending on symptoms)


Reduced normal protective protocol for prevention


Vit D3 (5000 IU with vit K2 and daily sunlight)

Vit C (2000mg morning & night- 1000 mg liposomal Vit C morning & night )

Zinc 50 mg with 500 mg Quercetin- take with food

Vit A 2000 mg

Natto-kinase supplement & iodine supplement

Magnesium supplement (400 mg- once or twice per day)

NAC supplement (600 mg- once or twice per day)

Nitric oxide boosting supplement

Fish oil & grape seed extract (CV Complete)

3 Clinics with 5 doctors treating Covid have had 100% effectiveness using combinations of nutraceutical bundle, with Ivermectin and/or oxidation therapies.